Mr. D's Automotive Detailing

Kearney Auto Detailing, Automotive Painting and Body Work

(402) 462-2939

Custom Painting

Mr. D's Automotive Detailing is the best source in Kearney for high end, custom paint jobs. There isn’t an auto body shop around that can match our experience and expertise in creating beautiful custom paint jobs. We have spent years working with car owners to help them create their dream vehicle, whether that just means a unique blend of colors or a professionally airbrushed mural or other design. Whatever kind of custom paint job you have in mind, we can make it into a reality. Give us a call to discuss your idea, or just let us know what you have in mind when you come in to our shop for other work. We are always happy to help the people of Kearney enhance their rides.

How do I get an estimate for a custom paint job?

The price obviously depends on the amount of work that will need to go into your custom paint job. If you are in the Kearney area, feel free to come into the shop and discuss your idea. If you can’t come in to the shop, then emailing us is probably your best bet – please provide us with as much detail as possible about the design, which parts of your vehicle you want painted, and anything you’ve seen that inspired your idea.

I’m not sure what I want – can you just give me a sweet paint job?

Definitely. We love getting the opportunity to show our fellow Kearney car enthusiasts how creative we can be. If you can show us an example of some custom paint jobs you like, we can create a design for you that will be unique to your vehicle and really turn some heads. Again, just feel free to come into our shop to discuss it, or send us an email and let us know what kind of work you have in mind.
